Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New Years Resolutions

really hate New Years Resolutions. I mean, can't you make a resolution anytime? Why now? Usually, most people can't even stick to it and they end up feeling bad because they didn't lose those 10 pounds or they didn't take more pictures of their kids or whatever. I'm not saying that every New Years Resolution fails, just that most of them do. What I'm really trying to day here is that don't make a New Years Resolution you can't keep because you will end up feeling disappointed in yourself. There is no use in making yourself feel bad, even if you do have some pounds to lose or memories to keep.

Goodbye, Tomato

Fibi, my friend, I am going to miss you. You are my tomato and I am you cucumber. Usta! From now on, my house is yours. If you ever need someone to "persuade" those Dodgen preps, you know we'll be right behind you! Don't ever forget us (even though I know you won't)!
Love, Larry.

Seasons Greetings

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone got what they wanted... I did. Except for my fish. I didn't get a fish. But, all is good because I DID go to Florida. Christmas (or almost Christmas) on the beach is pretty. Lots of birds...